Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Paragraph Planet - My Third Piece

I'm SO excited that Paragraph Planet have posted a third piece of flash fiction from me on their site today.

Here's the link to my submission and also where you'll also be able to submit your own piece.

Why not submit your own flash fiction to the site? It has to be exactly 75 words long, including the title, which will be the first five words of the paragraph, and it can be on any subject.

A different post is featured on the site every day.

You can follow them on Twitter too: @paragraphplanet


  1. I really enjoyed your paragraph and am now intrigued as to what the map is for.

  2. Yay, a comment! Thanks so much!

    The piece is from a book that I'd begun writing that has been put aside for the time-being. I was enjoying it though, so I'm sure I'll come back to it at some point.
