Thanks very much for the fabulous and talented Sheryl Browne for tagging me in this fun blog hop. Here's a link to all her wonderful books.
I have to imagine that my best friend is turning 40 and that me and a group of friends are invited to an island resort to help celebrate, bringing along my favourite things to put into a big swag bag. Here are my choices of...
The Book:
The book I'm reading at the moment is A Single Breath by Lucy Clark and it is soooo good!
I can't be without my Elizabeth Arden 8hr Cream. Useful for so many things, lipsalve, soothing sunburn, generally wonderful
I'm in to salads at the moment - I know... very out of character. However my favourite snack food has to be chocolate - yes, how predictable. So I thought I'd choose this dress covered in Lindt chocolates, and when I'd finished eating all the chocolate I'd still have a dress, scrap that, I'd have a top, to wear.
I don't listen to too much music - I know, I'm odd - but I love listening and singing (badly) to, Les Miserables.
A pair of Chanel sunglasses, with a little bit of bling on them, of course. I can't go anywhere without a pair of sunglasses and I think these'll do just fine for my swag bag!
Susie Orman Schnall, author of On Grace ( Grace-Susie-Orman-Schnall/dp/ 1940716136/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8& qid=1399939401&sr=8-1& keywords=on+grace) started 40th Birthday Swag Bag Blog Hop. Read the original post: blog/40th-birthday-swag-bag- blog-hop/ and she has invited her friend Elizabeth Thurer who runs the blog Pretty Pink Tulips, to branch the blog hop out to the lifestyle bloggers.
Now it's my turn to tag someone, so here's who'll be posting about her swag bag goodies on 16 June: Cathy Bramley, lovely person and fantastic author of Conditional Love and her Ivy Lane books - here's the link to find out more about Cathy's books.
I like the look of the Lindt dress Georgina!-although I don't know if it would fit me after I'd eaten them all...
ReplyDeleteI couldn't wear this dress, the temptation to eat all the chocolates would be far too great!